Duty of Care Commitment
- Is Duty of Care statement posted on intranet?
- Is duty of care clearly defined?
- Are specific measures outlined?
- Is duty of loyalty defined?
- Are specific commitment/expectations outlined?
- Are background checks conducted on staff/parters?
- Is Duty of Care/responsibility part of all staff inductions? Documented?
- Is there a code of conduct?
- How are individuals held accountable?
- Do staff records include NoK information? PoL questions/answers? Social media passwords?
Risk Management
- Are enterprise risk assessments (by location) conducted? / Frequency?
- Are mitigation measures prioritized? Resourced?
- Is status of mitigation measures monitored?
- Are accountabilities clear?
- Do insurances adequately cover enterprise risk exposure? Last reviewed
- Staffing
- Travelers (frequency, destinations)
- Location of facilities/programs
- Types of activities
Travel safety
- Are pre-travel destination assessments conducted?
- Is pre-trip planning required? / Authorized?
- Is travel agency linked to safety, security and/or health monitoring service?
- Are destination briefings conducted before travel? Documented?
- Are travelers tracked?
- Is there a 24/7 contact point/service?
- Are travelers required to complete standardized safety & security training?
- Is travel insurance sufficient to meet traveler needs? Medevac? Political evacuation?
- Are travelers briefed at field locations? Documented?
Safety and Security Management Plans
- Is a safety and security risk management approach defined?
- Are risk threshold principles clearly stated?
- Are threat/risk assessments per location required?
- Is there means to disseminate risk information and organizational guidance?
- Are facilities security measures commensurate with operational risks?
- Physical security and building
- Perimeter control
- Access control
- Use of guard force (qualifications, training, supervision, accountability, liability)
- Safety procedures
- Is comprehensive staff contact information in place? Accessible remotely 24/7? Tested?
- Are contingency plans in place for likely events?
- Motor vehicle accident
- Hibernation
- Relocation
- Staff detention
- Staff death
- Medical evacuation
- Non-medical evacuation
- Abduction/kidnapping
- Program closure
Business Continuity Plans
- Is there a BCP? Last revised?
- Have critical functions been identified?
- Are all managers informed of responsibilities?
- What redundancies have been created?
- Has BCP been tested?
- Duty of care/loyalty orientation
- Personal safety and security training
- Hostile environment advanced and training (as determined by risk exposure)
- Hostage survival training (as determined by risk exposure)
- Lone/multiple gunman advice and training,
Crisis Management
- Does special risk insurance cover level of exposure by location?
- Is there a crisis management plan? Last revised?
- Shared with CMT?
- Has CMT been trained? HQ/field?
- Have technical providers been involved/reviewed CM plan?
- Is crisis communication plan in place?
- Internal communications
- External communications/media
- Social media
- Have family liaison/support personnel been identified? Trained?
- Most recent crisis (when CMT convened)
- After action review conducted?
- CM plan revised?
- Are psychosocial resources in place for post incident support?